The loss of a single tooth can have a broad impact on your oral health in addition to the appearance of your smile. Even a single missing tooth sets off a domino effect that changes the health and structure of your teeth and gums over time. Prompt and effective tooth replacement is paramount to stabilizing the integrity of your smile. If you are interested in a single dental implant in Sterling, VA, we’re here to help! Call today to schedule your consultation to learn your options for replacing your missing tooth.
Single Tooth Restoration
The loss of a tooth can occur at any age, even in young adults. Dental implants have enabled patients with a missing tooth to regain natural function and a beautiful new smile. Ridgetop Dental Group Implants is your comprehensive resource for tooth replacement in Sterling, VA. Our team of dentists has advanced training and years of experience helping patients restore health, beauty, and function to their smile after losing one or more teeth.
The placement of a dental implant is an alternative treatment for the use of a dental bridge, the traditional method of restoring a missing tooth. Choosing a dental implant for the replacement of a single lost tooth has several key benefits for your oral and overall health and well being, including the following:
- Minimizes bone loss in the jaw – When a tooth is lost, the root below the gum is also lost. Over time, this leads to changes in the structure of the jaw and bite due to reduced bone tissue where the root used to be.
- Protects neighboring healthy teeth – Placing a dental implant does not require adjacent healthy teeth to be compromised. When placing a traditional dental bridge, adjacent teeth are often covered with a dental crown to strengthen them for supporting the appliance. To place a crown, a significant amount of healthy tooth structure is removed and the stage is set for possible problems down the road.
- Normal chewing force is restored – The implant provides a stable foundation that is similar to a natural tooth, enabling normal biting and chewing forces and the enjoyment of a varied diet.
Same-Day Implants
Our dentists are often able to place your single tooth implant and restoration in one just visit! Our in-office technology allows for comprehensive advanced planning so that your tooth can be restored during one office visit. Our office provides complete services for the placement of dental implants under one roof. We make it easy, pleasant and efficient to replace your missing teeth with the best possible treatment option – dental implants.