Advanced Technology

At Ridgetop Dental Group Implants, we invest in advanced technology to give our patients the best overall experience. Our technology saves time, increases accuracy and helps our patients to be more comfortable during treatment. Our team uses a wide range of digital and CAD/CAM technology to support patient care and treatment, especially for tooth replacement. Our experienced and highly-trained team of restorative and implant dentists can offer patients with missing or hopeless teeth the opportunity to achieve a new smile in an efficient, stress-free environment. We can provide the solutions you need and personalized treatment plans to achieve your goals.

Digital technology has played an important role in the field of dentistry, serving as a foundation for evolving better treatment plans for restorative and cosmetic needs. From the incorporation of 3-D digital scanning to evaluate all aspects of a patient’s oral system to technology for guiding implant placement during oral surgery, advanced technology has dramatically enhanced the patient experience in many ways. With advanced technology, our team can do their jobs well and feel confident with every diagnosis and implant treatment

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